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Mobile Applications

We help you build mobile app solutions to meet the business, industry, and end users' specific needs

Applettek offers Mobile App development services to help you reach out to wider user base, or as part of your business process automation and/or simply to improve user experience. We create user-friendly and engaging mobile app solutions that cater to your specific business needs. We have a dedicated team of mobile app developers who can help you develop apps for your employees, customers, and partner network. We know how to explore the unlimited possibilities that mobile technologies offer these days. We have expertise in both native and cross platform apps.

We have expertise in building mobile apps for every user, platform, and industry.


Key Highlights of our Mobile App Services


Our digital marketing executives know how to promote the apps across various social media platforms. We also provide backlinks of your app if required to increase the number of installations of the app.

Maintenance & Optimization

Even after the launch, we would add advanced features if required and fix bugs, in case of any glitches.


Right from taking your app to the store to its success, we stay with you. We take care of every step right from app building to its launch.


Applettek will help you integrate the app with the web or any device without any extra effort. A specially designed plugin will be made available with which you can even integrate the third-party services on your app as per your needs.

Customized Mobility Solutions

We work with multiple ecosystems to develop custom mobility solutions – native mobile apps, mobile web apps or hybrid apps – based on your business needs.

Thorough Testing

Now say good-bye to the apps that lag and eat your time and memory as we at Applettek roll out mobile apps that are steadfast and consumes less space. Our geeks work round the clock and test every functionality to avoid hiccups to the end users.

UX and UI Design

Right from prototype to fluid design, our designers will experiment with every single interface before they present before you for the final sign off. Our apps have stellar visual appeal and catch the user attention right away.

Planning & Strategy

Our team would sit with you to discuss ideas, jot down your expectations and chalk out a strategy that will be beneficial to your business for years ahead. Based on the same ideas and your industry, we would build the apps.